Tuesday, September 2, 2014

An Update

First of all, I want to thank everyone who placed an order with me for the month of August - I greatly appreciate it.
I had a contest running during the month of August and had mentioned that I would be announcing the winner today. I hope you all will understand when I tell you that I need to delay the announcement for a few days.
Unfortunately, my family had suffered a loss yesterday - and, because my family and I are trying to deal with our loss right now, I am hoping that you will forgive me for putting off announcing a winner until next week. I lost a cousin - my father lost his nephew, one who he was quite close to, and, right now, my main focus is to be there for him.
I hope to be back on track next week - with a winner, more project shares and ideas for you, and, updates to my calendar.
Enjoy the rest of your week, hug your loved ones every chance you get and, always, always tell each other "I love you"...

Until next week,
